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Institute for Teaching & Learning Excellence

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Preparing online instruction requires instructors to consider the end goal of the course, organization of content in a manageable way, and the selection of learning strategies aligned to assessment and course objectives. The resources provided aim to equip instructors with scaffolds for successful course development and design. All tools made available can be further discussed and developed with a member of the Teaching and Learning Department.

Contact Us


Alysia Ropp,

Caitlin Pursley,

(405) 744-1000

Resources for Creating your Online Course

Course Foundations

Preparing online instruction requires instructors to consider the end goal of the course. The first step is to reflect and write the Course Learning Outcomes. Once the learning goals, or desired results, have been identified, instructors will have an easier time developing assessments and instruction around grounded learning outcomes.


Further Information on Course Foundations

Course Syllabus

The nature of online learning calls for instructors to give special attention to providing a scaffold in their designed learning environment. Rethinking a text-based only syllabus and incorporating visual elements in the syllabus can promote equity, diversity and inclusion and work as a powerful equalizer for non-traditional students and tose with diverse learning styles.


Learn how to develop an online course syllabus

Canvas Construction

A Canvas Module should oraganzie and present course content with a logical and consistent flow. The collection of files, pages, assignments, quizzes and other course content should have predictability. Consistency is key in module design.


Best practices in Canvas Module Design