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Assignment Tutorial Videos for Canvas


Creating Assignments


All graded work in a course is treated as Assignments. The Assignments tool can be used to create, manage, and organize all Assignments as well as specify the submission type (online Dropbox submission, no submission, etc.). Points and grading options can be specified as well.


Working with assignment groups


 Understanding how Canvas utilizes Assignment Groups to organize graded coursework. All assignments need to be in a group, even if they are all in the same group. Breaking assignments into sub-groups can help organize a class and allow instructors to manage content easier.


Creating duplicate assignments

When utilizing many versions of a similar assignment (i.e. Week 1 Homework, Week 2 Homework, etc.) instructors can construct a single assignment and use that as the template for additional assignments. An assignment can be duplicated, and its parameters edited, to allow for the easy creation of many similar assignments.


Using advanced assignment options

Basic assignment details can be specified from the Assignments navigation tab, but more advanced options can be set such as group assignment, peer reviews, moderated grading, assigning specific groups or individuals, and setting time/date restrictions.


Creating a rubric for assessing student assignments

The rubric tool can be used to create various criteria by which an assignment is evaluated. Points can be assigned to each criterion and additional criteria can be added in order to thoroughly assess student work.


Using Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection

The Turnitin software can be used when setting up or modifying an assignment such that student submissions are automatically checked for academic integrity violations.


Advanced Options in Turnitin

The Turnitin plagiarism checking software has several user-configurable options such as the ability to exclude certain sources, opting to include student submissions in the Turnitin database, and grammar-checking preferences.


Understanding the Turnitin Similarity Score

A close look at the information provided in the Turnitin Originality Report, specifically the Similarity Score and how those results can be filtered and organized so as to help instructors deal with potential academic integrity violations. This example uses a student paper with a Similarity Score of 37% which was due to three different improperly-cited sources being used when writing it.


Using Weighted Grades for Assignments

Instructors can put assignments into groups which can be given an overall weight relative to the total percentage. For example, Quizzes can be worth 20%, Notes worth 25%, and so on.


Extra Credit Assignments

Instructors can have Extra Credit options in a gradebook by creating assignments with a Zero point value, and then entering points for students who complete the assignment. These points are then added on top of points already accrued in class.


Extra Credit with Weighted Assignments

Extra Credit is possible when working with a weighted-style gradebook, but requires a few extra steps that have to do with assigning a Zero percentage weight to an Extra Credit category, and then knowing when to raise that percentage at the end of the semester.


Dropping the Lowest Score on an Assignment Group

The Assignments page in Canvas allows you to organize graded work according to groups, and then drop the lowest score(s) or highest score(s). Instructors can also specify assignments within a particular group to never be dropped.



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