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Institute for Teaching & Learning Excellence

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How can we cultivate learning environments that are accessible and equitable for all students?


Accessible and equitable learning environments for all students should be our goal. The materials related to the previous five questions address strategies that can be applied in the courses we teach, as well as other situations where we are working with groups of learners. Some strategies can be implemented relatively quickly, while others take more time and careful thought to implement well.


As instructors begin to consider their own goals regarding equitable teaching, many find it helpful to have an inclusive teaching framework to serve as a guide. This Equity-Focused Teaching Tool offers much to consider when reflecting upon ways to both acknowledge and disrupt systemic inequities that may impact marginalized students.


Additionally, you may wish to read more about the five key principles of the reflective tool or explore the information related to its development.


For those involved in campus life beyond the classroom, LSE’s Evidence-Based Teaching Guide offers information regarding leveraging the networks of campus supports to enhance student success.


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