Teach Online
Teaching online, when thoughtfully planned, can be very engaging and effective across subjects and disciplines. Whether the content is taught synchronously (live) or asynchronously (on your own time), faculty can present information to students, demonstrate processes, facilitate large or small group discussions, assess student learning, and provide feedback on assignments and assessments.
Models of Online Course Delivery
ITLE supports instructors in their dedication to provide quality learning experiences
for all students, whether they occur in physical classroom spaces, online, or through
a blend of the two approaches. We encourage instructors to select an approach that
best meets their course and program goals, as well as the individual needs of their
Recognizing the updated definitions of the various models of course delivery provided by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), we offer the following descriptions as examples of the most commonly occurring learning environments, as well as information related to our support for each approach. The methods fall along a continuum, with approaches that prioritize face-to-face experiences positioned at one end and approaches that take place fully online at the other.
Join the Online Teaching Tips and Tools Community
This community in Canvas is designed to empower you to connect, grow, and elevate your online teaching. Discover valuable resources, share best practices with fellow instructors, and unlock new strategies to enrich your online courses.
Online Learning Consortium
OSU’s membership to the Online Learning Consortium allows faculty and staff access to all resources on the OLC website. OLC is a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and engage the modern learner with a focus on driving best practices for Quality Online Learning.
Access resources and research related to instructional design, online learning, ideas for keeping students engaged, weekly newsletter, access recorded webinars, and attend discounted events. To set up your account go to https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/ and click on on Login at the top. Sign up using your Okstate.edu email.